This is a story of a boy who began his journey to an unknown world. Of the fears that he carried from home, the horror stories about ragging that were so deeply rooted in his mind that ghosts haunted his dreams and chased him all night.
The story entails the ups and downs that he went through. It Spans an age that saw him transform, transform from a young adolescent kid to a dauntless man. A man that was ready to take on the world, a man who had the attitude to take the world in his stride. Only that we don't write about the future in our story,
We ruminate on the glorious past and pay tribute to the place that has made enough space in his heart to last for a life time.
We cherish the company of his friends, who more than just friends had made an ever lasting impact on his senses. Without whom it now appears impossible for him to be happy again, friends who like the carvings in the wall had carved out a place in his heart, a place that can only be filled by two things, them friends or those memories, that'll always accompany him, wherever he goes.
Before its gets too sad, and before the sadness of the hour takes over the joyous memories, we stop writing any further.
Spare a thought Write a Lot.
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